Eggs for Sale

We have eggs available now!

Table eggs and hatching eggs are available with more coming daily! If hatching eggs aren’t reserved they’re going in the fridge!

Rainbow Eggs

Chickens raised with a personal touch

We treat our chickens like pets. We love having them around and we enjoy their tasty eggs. Our flock is registered with the state of Maryland through the Department of Agriculture. Our chickens are friendly and handled regularly. The rooster is affectionately known as “Cupcake” We currently have light speckled brown egg and pink egg layers, but hope to add to the rainbow in 2025. Farm fresh table eggs are available for $6.00/dozen. Please inquire about hatching eggs.


Our resident rooster is a Silver-laced Wyandotte. He is very friendly and is handled regularly.


Pip is a Black Astralorp. She is very friendly and is one of our best hens.


Chocolate is one of our first Silkie Bantam chickens. We do not know its sex.


If Cupcake is the King, then Kiwi is the Queen. Kiwi is a Barred Plymouth Rock.


Brownie is a Buff Orpington who is very photogenic.


Poop-butt is the friendliest chicken on the farm. She is a Lavender Opington and a favorite.


Tulip is our first Silkie Bantam chicken. We do not know its sex, but it is a frizzle black paint


Binx is a Black Laced Gold Wyandotte. She is a good layer and a friendly hen.


Donut is one of our first Silkie Bantam chicken. Donut is a chocolate paint hen.